DeKaney FFA
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Frequently asked questions

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS...about Agriculture Science and FFA

What is Agriculture Science?

Agriculture Science is the study of things related to agriculture; such as raising and producing animals and food crops, soil and water conservation, growing plants and flowers, landscaping and lawn management, wildlife management, agriculture mechanics, welding and metal working, agri-business management, personal leadership development, communication skills and owning your own business.

What is FFA?

FFA is a club for high school students who are enrolled in Agriculture Science classes.  You must be enrolled to become a member.  The primary purpose of the FFA is personal leadership development through various activities, events and opportunities.

How are these two things related?

They are very closely related because what you learn in Ag class is applied through the FFA.

How will they benefit me?

Whether or not you plan to be a farmer or rancher is not the issue.  20% of all jobs in the U.S. are directly related to agriculture.  Ag classes and FFA membership will help prepare you to become a productive citizen and understand where the food we eat and the clothes we wear come from and how the environment we live in is affected by all that we do to it.

Do I have to raise an animal?

No, it is not required.  Although many people like to do this and it becomes a major reason for their FFA membership.  There are many FFA activities that are not related to animals.

Do I have to be a hick to be in Ag class or FFA?

Certainly not!  The FFA is not limited to any type of person.  FFA membership is open to anyone who is interested in becoming a better leader, regardless of their race, sex, religion or what type of clothes they wear.

If I want to raise an animal, what kind can I have?

The most common types of animal projects are cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits or chickens.

What else can I do in Ag class and the FFA?

Many people choose to become involved in competitive events that are based on the classes they take.  Examples of this are: judging contests, public speaking contests, leadership development contests and agri-science fairs.  Some people attend leadership camps and conferences, meetings, banquets and conventions to meet new people and learn about themselves.

Can I learn how to build things?

Yes, many people take Ag classes to learn how to work with their hands.  Some classes teach you how to work with wood and build wood structures, use power tools, hand tools and building construction techniques.  Other classes teach you how to weld and cut metal, build metal structures and learn about mechanics, electricity and plumbing.

What’s in it for me?

Countless opportunities for person leadership development, educational experiences, scholarships, travel, learning about life, making new friends and having lots of fun.

How can I get involved?

You have to enroll in an Ag class and then join the FFA.  After that the rest is up to you.  The sky is the limit and you can accomplish many things.  There is a train loaded with many interesting and challenging things, you must decide whether to climb on board for the ride of your life.  You are the key to your own future success!



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